Monday, June 10, 2013

KNU Mergui-Tavoy leaders under pressure from Burma Army

Karen News has learnt that Burma Army leaders and officers in Tenasserim Division are under orders to create disagreement among the Karen National Union (KNU) leaders in Mergui-Tavoy District.

A Burma Army source in the Dawei area, who requested that his name not to be used, said that orders have been received to create disagreement among KNU leaders in order to create disunity in its organization.

KNU leaders in Mergui-Tavoy District told Karen News that the Burma Army source’s information could not be confirmed, but the KNU is well aware that the Burma Army gathers information on KNU leaders and other ethnic opposition leaders for a long time – “it is the task of the Burma Army.”

KNU leaders in the Mergui-Tavoy District said that the government is pushing KNU leaders to carry out business rather than solving the political situation and other peace related issues in the area.

Padoh Saw Beeler, the Joint Secretary of the KNU Mergui-Tavoy District confirmed with Karen News that he is under pressure from the government.

“The Burmese government in Tenasserim Division is trying to encourage and push me and other leaders to start businesses. They have a lack of interest in talking about political matters.”

The KNU Mergui-Tavoy District leaders complain that travel and other related activities are been monitored and disrupted by Burma Army security officers.

P’doh Saw Beeler said.

“Apart from military activities we can travel more freely. Everywhere we travel to we have to inform and report to different security personal. They always keep asking and collecting information about everywhere we go to. It is annoys and frustrates us.”

P’doh Saw Beeler said the government has failed to inform its military units in the area about the agreed cease-fire and its on-going peace-building and trust building process.

The KNU reached a ceasefire agreement with the Burma government in 2012.