Monday, September 9, 2013

International investors taking wait-and-see on Dawei special economic zone

News are coming out that Japan may be among the construction of Dawei special economic zone but international investors are still waiting and watching.

“According to the news about Dawei special economic zone, we heard that Italian-Thai Company, which is going to invest here, is short of cash. We also heard that Japan is interested in the project. But many countries think that American entering into the business make the business more solid. But so far we couldn’t see United States entering into the business,” said an official from Myanmar Development and Research Institute (MDRI).

Similarly, there are weaknesses in management in Dawei special economic zone.

“There are four layers in implementing an industrial zone. The very first is State level supervising committee. It is led by the Vice-President. A ministerial level committee comes under that level. Another level is work implementing committee. And finally, there is supporting committee. So, there are four levels. In my opinion, because of the four levels, people may confuse. Who will give the final decision concerning the special economic zone? The First level or the third level? Sometimes misunderstanding may occur. Overlapping or lack of doing something may happen. What I think is placing skillful people may make the business more convenient,” he continued.